
Use solar electric directly, and avoid batteries:

DC Grid decreases expensive battery backup by

*   direct DC power for air conditioning
…..only during sunlight
*   solar electric water heating for hot water,
…..night time radiators, only during sunlight
*   schedule dishwashing and
.. ..clothes washing only during sunlight
*   replace all lights with strings of
… .four each 24V LED from
….Home Depot/Lowes/ etc.
*   eight or nine 12-volt lead acid batteries
…. in series can back up the grid
…. for cloudy/nighttime conditions

 Source of Electricity Consumed

         Energy use data From


“But solar electric doesn’t work when it is cloudy or raining!!!”

DIY Grid is particularly suitable and efficient
for cloudy/rainy days.

  •  Solar panels work very well, with slightly better efficiency under the cooler conditions of no direct sun. As a rule of thumb, expect 10% electricity output from solar panels during periods of rain or complete cloud cover.
  •  Using our DIY system, you can get high levels of solar electricity during cloudy/rainy days by gradually buying as many panels as you can afford and connecting to the various nodes, as the grid itself acts as a giant solar collector.
  • 10% of inexpensive 10,000 watts solar panels means that you can use 1000 watts of energy during cloudy/rainy conditions.  This is enough power to run an air conditioner, frying pan or coffee pot (or 10-20 computers)!
  • Existing equipment and AC grids suffer greatly from cloudy conditions.  This is because legacy solar electric equipment converts solar panel current multiple times: into a different voltage via charge controller, and then into AC via an inverter.  Each power conversion circuit needs high sunlight for reasonable efficiency. At low sunlight (overcast or raining) most systems give up the ghost, as they are over-built with many power robbing conversion circuits.
  • Check out the “maximum % efficiency” statement on an inverter used in an AC system.  The “maximum” stated efficiency is determined at very high sunlight and conveniently ignores low solar power irradiation below 20% of maximum light.  Actually the “minimum” efficiency is never stated but is extremely low, and the “average” efficiency is not even reported.  The statement  “but solar electricity does not work when it is cloudy or raining!!!” is true for most systems sold today.  But not for our system. We really shine on rainy days!
  • Our DC grid systems lack the multiple power conversions and work at peak efficiency even at low light levels.  By adding multiple groups of solar panels, at the different nodes, you can get 2000 watt panel performance on a rainy day, from a grid having 20,000 watts distributed over various nodes/locations.
  • Solar panels are dirt cheap and have become the least expensive portion of an energy system.  Our DC grid allows you to exploit this revolutionary new technology on a peer to peer, massively parallel scale. TAKE BACK THE POWER!